Sex & Gender
PD Research
UCC Pilot Study
We are coming to the end of our pilot study in collaboration with Professor Aideen Sullivan of the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
School of Medicine, University College Cork, Ireland.
This pilot is looking at the impact of different hormonal stages of life and their impact on Parkinson's symptoms.
Over 800 women from around the world of different ages and ethnicities took part in the study with 170 using the app during the study.
Unmet Needs of Women with Parkinson's
Six women researchers, of whom five are doctors of medicine and three are living with PD, published a review article in the journal, Movement Disorders, titled, “Unmet Needs of Women Living with Parkinson's Disease: Gaps and Controversies” (Subramanian et al., 2022). They sought to rigorously evaluate and document the current knowledge, gaps and possible strategies to address the unmet needs of women living with PD, with a focus on the clinical and psychosocial aspects. You can listen to Professor Subramanian who is the lead author and a member of the My Moves Matter Clinical & Research Advisory panel talk about the key findings.
Pilot Study in France
We are delighted to announce that we our French pilot study funded by France Parkinson has started. The study will be run in 4 neurology centres in France and will involve women with Parkinson's using a French version of the My Moves Matter app to track their medication and Parkinson's symptoms in relation to their menstrual cycle. It will also involve an intervention arm where women who show worsened symptoms around their menstrual cycle will be offered treatment and then will track the effect of this treatment in the intervention arm of the study. We are delighted to collaborate on this first of its kind study with Professor Elena Moro, President elect of the European Academy of Neurology.
Using a sex- and gender-informed lens to enhance care in Parkinson’s disease
Led by the Women's Brain Foundation, eight authors including two women with Parkinson's highlight the need for sex and gender differences in Parkinson’s to be a priority for researchers and clinicians, to ensure appropriate care is
provided to patients